view:34123 Last Update: 2019-8-2
Course: PhD
No. | Student | Date of Defence | Field | Topic | Supervisor/ Advisor |
1 | Mehdi Mehrabi Sisakht | In progress | Plant pathology, Mycology and fungal diseases of plants | Taxonomy and phylogeny of Diatrypaceae in Northern Iran | SuperVisor |
Course: M.Sc
No. | Student | Date of Defence | Field | Topic | Supervisor/ Advisor |
14 | Farnaz Shapouran | December 2010 | Plant Pthology | Identification of physiological races of the causal agent of sunflower downy mildew (Plasmopara halstedii) in Urmia and study on the resistance of some sunflower cultivars ) | SuperVisor |
13 | Maryam Khodagholi | February 2011 | Plant Pathology | Study on the genetic ad phenotypic diversity of Fusarium solani isolates | SuperVisor |
12 | Maryam Mehdikhani | October 2011 | Plant Pthology | Reaction of some canola cultivars against Sclerotinia stem rot disaese | SuperVisor |
11 | Zahra safarloo | February 2012 | Plant Pthology | Vegetative compatibility groups in Fusarium solani isolates, the causal agent of bean root rot in Zanjan Province | SuperVisor |
10 | Maryam khodaie | March 2012 | Plant Pthology | Identification of Trichoderma isolates in bean fields of Zanjan Province and their biocontrol ability on bean root rot fungal agents | SuperVisor |
9 | Leyla abdipoure asl | March 2013 | Plant pathology | wheat root mycoflora in Zanjan province with an emphasis on the Hyphomycetous fungi | SuperVisor |
8 | Hana kamangar | March 2013 | Plant pathology | Study on antifungal effect of some plant extracts against Fusarium solani and Rhizoctonia solani | SuperVisor |
7 | Afagh Faraji | February 2013 | Plant pathology | Reaction of the major fungal agents of bean root rot and some indigenous antagonistic bacteria in Zanjan province | SuperVisor |
6 | Mehdi Erfani | March 2013 | Plant pathology | Identification of root and tuber mycoflora of potato in East Azerbaijan | SuperVisor |
5 | Nasim Safari | September 2013 | Plant pathology | Study on effect of nano particles of some plant essential oils on control of apple blue mold, Penicillium expansum | SuperVisor |
4 | Bentolhoda Yaghoubi | September 2014 | Plant pathology | Inhibitory effect of some plant essential oils on Alternaria alternata | SuperVisor |
3 | Leyla Mohammadi | In progress | Plant pathology | Genetic and pathogenicity diversity of Fusarium acuminatum isolates from wheat fields of Zanjan province | SuperVisor |
2 | Mehri Nemati | In progress | Plant pathology | Genetic and pathogenicity variation among Michrodochium sp. isolates on wheat in Zanjan province | SuperVisor |
1 | Mina Mohammadi | In progress | Plant pathology | Identification of the fungi associated with grapevine decline in Abhar and Khoramdareh counties [Abstract] |
SuperVisor |